Jason Filipow, Camille Chu and Lulu Filipow, 6, at home in Los Angeles -
Camille - “The days blend one into another right now, so trying to work out or walk early mornings still allows me to have a weekend.
“Weekends are now filled with chores, cleaning, running the household, movie nights, and connecting with family and friends near and far. Sounds similar to what we did before this, but chores have multiplied and connecting is usually on screen. We are also realizing we are quite social and miss our friends dearly and those small daily interactions with other humans.
“Jason is still going to the studio for work as he is freelance and there’s usually only one other person there with him. It’s “essential” to our family to continue dual income for as long as we can. I, on the other hand, have been extremely busy working remote and juggling solo the parenting duties for Lulu.
“I’ll be the first to admit her education is suffering a bit, but we are not gonna sweat it. She has the rest of her life to make up for this time and we are all processing stress and anxiety so for me to fight with her to read more is not at the top of my list. Being kind, thoughtful, happy and safe are.
“Meals seem to keep us on some kind of schedule. So many meals. I was trying my hardest to cook every meal, and we did for about three weeks solid. But now we are doing some take out here and there, and ordering from local restaurants’ surplus of supplies. We all find comfort in food and cooking is therapy right now, not to mention wine helps a lot too.
“Thankfully, our family is not suffering. We are merely inconvenienced, and hope that this small effort we all make to stay in will carry us to the post-pandemic phase sooner and swifter. Our hearts go out to so many that have been horribly affected by this in the immediate; the punch in the gut that has no quick recovery.
“We are enjoying the little things, knowing our status quo could change at any given moment. We hope our littlest of efforts continue to have an affect on how this all plays out.”